Tri-Animist Economics: The Intimate Re-Enchantment of Creation for a Regenerative Eco-Socialism


Timothy Eberhart

Sept. 24

The crucifixion of people and planet intrinsic to extractivist capitalism is based in the theo-logics of a hierarchically-ordered universe, which undergird and justify the commodification, exploitation, and disposal of human and more-than-human persons for the financial benefit of an elect few.

At a time when more and more are recognizing the urgent need to transition beyond capitalism to a more egalitarian, just, and life- sustaining political economy, theology’s contribution must include provoking a cosmological revolution that embraces the flourishing of all human beings within the broader flourishing web of all our relations, beginning with those most threatened by the present order.

This paper will argue for the particular significance of emerging Christian Animist perspectives in fostering the perspectival and affective changes needed to support the regenerative eco-socialist projects that are needed today.

Dr. Timothy R. Eberhart is Assistant Professor of Theology and Ecology at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, where he directs the MA in Public Ministry degree and oversees a concentration in Ecological Regeneration. He teaches in the areas of theology and ethics, concentrating on the relation of Christian doctrine to environmental, economic, political, and social change theory. His publications include Rooted and Grounded in Love: Holy Communion for the Whole Creation (Wipf and Stock, 2017), The Economy of Salvation: Essays in Honor of M. Douglas Meeks (Wipf and Stock, 2015), and chapters on mission, ecclesiology, and ecotheology.