Statement on the 2020 Election


Presidential elections are momentous events that have the potential to change the course of a nation, with many implications for the global community. Now that the electoral college met on Monday, we see again that the election of 2020 was no different and it is our wish that the changes to come will be beneficial for people and the planet. We welcome political changes that support the many who are experiencing the pressures of growing economic and political inequality, racism, ethnocentrism, sexism and heterosexism, and colonial supremacy.

At the same time, we know that political power is deeply entangled with other forms of power: cultural, religion, and economic. We are concerned that political power cannot truly change without changing cultural and religious power, and without the economic strongholds of power that fund all of these powers. At the Wendland-Cook Program in Religion and Justice, we are committed to ongoing transformations of power that benefit all people and the planet, starting where the pressures are greatest and where new relationships of solidarity are forming.

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